We are based in the UK and USA and operate globally. Founded in 1991, we have specialised in the rapidly growing M2M (machine-to-machine) and then IoT (Internet of Things) market worldwide for more than 20 years. Most of our projects are client specific – see IoT Consultancy. We also create a range of reports aimed at improving the success rate of IoT projects, both across the IoT market and in individual sectors – see Succeed with IoT series. We frequently participate in printed media, online events/webinars and conferences as recognised thought leaders in the IoT market – see News & Events for some of our most recent contributions.
Over the last 20 years, M2M then IoT has grown from a small side-show into the main event. It is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’. It has become an increasingly essential part of mission-critical operations supporting many different applications in many different business sectors. In terms of volumes, there are already more IoT devices than phones in the world. Soon, even the number of IoT devices connected to mobile networks will exceed the number of mobile handsets connected to the same networks. Yet IoT solutions are inherently complex with many moving parts. IoT succeeds through a broad ecosystem of potential partners working together efficiently.
As the IoT market continues to develop in both volume and complexity, Beecham Research’s role is to assist IoT suppliers in shaping this IoT future and to raise awareness among users of their options in making it work successfully for them.
Robin Duke-Woolley, Founder and CEO, Beecham Research

Our work is based around our market segmentation map World of IoT which has become a standard reference among IoT market players, IoT users, academia and government agencies since first introduced in 2009. As part of that it has been translated into many languages globally, including Arabic and Chinese. Our most recent update was issued in March 2021.